The proof why circumstances don’t matter

Hello, my answer-seekers.

did you ever think ‘I can’t manifest my dream life because my circumstances aren’t giving it’?

Well, I experienced the proof that circumstances - no matter what they are - don’t matter in manifestation myself so I feel called to share it with you:

When I started out with Manifestation, I honestly didn’t know what I was doing. I just started out by thinking about what I’d like to have - I didn’t know about shifting, energetic alignment, Mindset, repogramming of the subconcious mind or any manifestation method. Which is technically nothing bad - I simply started out as probably everyone is in the beginning. But once I learned about EFT tapping mixed with positive Affirmations and Scripting, my entire life changed.

And guess what - the moment, my life changed 180, was the moment when I was at my darkest place ever. EVER. I didn’t believe I would make it out of that mental state, I didn’t think it could get even the slightest better in that timespan because I’ve had experienced too many obstacles within a short amount of time that I didn’t believe in the Magic anymore. I started affirming anyway. It felt like a lie - every single Affirmation felt like I was straight up lying to myself because nothing in my surrounding (my past circumstances) looked like anything I told myself. I didn’t feel it until … everything changed.The Affirmations started feeling real, I looked into the mirror and saw myself the way I felt good for the first time, my flat changed, my circle of people changed, myjob changed. Everything changed. And I realized ‘This is the method for me’. 

For me, it felt like everything changed out of a sudden, but looking back at it, all the obstacles and every ‘loss’ simply guided me to myself, my true, authentic self, my path and especially the point on my path where I’m finally strong enough to share my story with like-minded people because I know how important it is to share in this world. No gatekeeping, simply open sharing. This is the biggest reason why I decided to start this blog, you can overtime learn everything about Spirituality to get started and if you want to dive in deeper into your spiritual journey or find what it is that’s calling you on your spiritual path, you can order a personal Energy-Reading Session or the in depht Manifestation-guide which I’m working on right now. This is additional. And I love it this way.

‘Because sharing is caring.’

So, I manifested literally my entire dream life, lots of great and wonderful opportunities in a very deep and dark place in my life. So can you. This is what I mean - the three dimensional world (everything you can touch, therefore most people like to refer to it as ‘real life’, even though it is just a part of our human experience), is a mirror of the past. Past experiences which control your decisions and actions. Let’s say, you experienced lots of loss in your past, your subconcious mind will lead you to similar experiences in your life right now so you get to choose a new path - or take the same route over and over again. This is where the subconcious programming comes in. You get to be the creator of your life experience once you realize conciously what patterns you hold onto and decide to keep or discard them.

For example: If you experienced loss, you might subconciously prepare for loosing something or someone you love again which leads to you clinging onto people, or situations that might not even be this good for you. By reprogramming your subconcious, for example with the Affirmations of ‘I’m wealthy in every area of my life’, or ‘I always receive what I need; what’s right for me stays in my life and I easily let go of things that don’t serve me’, you can change this narrative.

This is why we don’t need to stress about the future, because it lies within our own hands. Say: Every action you take, every decision you make right now, sets the path for your future. You’ll experience what you decide to experience - right now.

So, in conclusion: The Past is not worth stressing about because it already happened - it is done. The Now is solely to be experienced since it is the mirror of your past decisions. There’s nothing to worry about right in this moment - you’re here, you’re good. And the Future, this is where the Manifestation comes in because your decisions you make right now, decide where you’ll be in the next moment. You see? It’s all in your hands. You literally decide where you’ll be, just as you decided where you are right now.

Of course, there’s always life doing it’s thing by giving you a challenge or an obstacle, and I believe this is simply part of this experience. But everything else is literally in your hands as soon as you conciously decide to take the lead ad ask the Universe for what you want, as you’ll always receive what you ask for. You might have heard of the saying ‘We all manifest all the time, wenever stop doing it’. This didn’t make sense to me for a long time. Simply because I didn’t understand the difference between the concious and subconcious mind.

But as soon as I realized that I can teach my subconcious to make good decisions for me, life changed for the best. And it keeps changing for the best because change is the only constant in life and as we learn to be comfortable in the change of it, we’re open ourselfs up to all the beautiful blessings the Universe has to offer.

Thank you for receiving this knowledge. What do you think about EFT-tapping and Affirmations?

Have a wonderful time!

Elisa Marie


The superpower of Affirmations and Afformations